It's been a month of smiles! Isaac is a happy boy, and he's becoming more animated every day. He's starting to coo and "talk" more, and he has started to chuckle a little bit when something strikes him as funny. He is completely enamored with Noah and loves to watch him, and he likes to sit in the book nook with us when we read stories to Noah before bedtime. His naps are starting to get more organized, and he typically takes three long naps during the day, along with a number of cat-naps. He wakes up once a night to eat and typically sleeps pretty well at night. Here's a couple more pictures from today.
Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity. 1 Timothy 4:12
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Friday, December 25, 2009
Merry Christmas!
Our Christmas began at 6am when Noah woke up with a cough and runny nose. We were concerned that he's coming down with a cold, but once he had breakfast in our bed (dry cheerios), he was fine.
We went downstairs to discover that Santa had left footprints in our living room! Our tree and stockings were bursting with presents, thanks to everyone who sent us gifts this year! Noah followed his string to find the best present ever: electronic drums! He has been playing them all day, and the best part is that there's volume control. The happy boy reluctantly went to take a nap, and he'll surely bound down the stairs to start playing with all his new toys soon.
Isaac has also had a good Christmas. So far, he's opened some great presents and taken three long naps. He found a monkey at the end of his string that he can sleep with as a pillow someday, just like Noah sleeps with his puppy pillow.
This is our first Christmas ever at home. We're enjoying our day and thankful that we didn't travel this year with Isaac. But, we're missing Mom and Dad and Dave and Stephanie and family in Arizona. We've had years and years of great Christmas memories in Arizona, and we're looking forward to seeing everyone again soon.
Here's some more Christmas pictures.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Squeaky Clean
Monday, December 21, 2009
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Pop Quiz
Friday, December 18, 2009
"I'm Up, Mommy!"
Noah still takes an afternoon nap on most days. Once in a while, however, he decides that he isn't going to take a nap. He usually cries for a while because he wants to come out of his room (we put up a gate during nap time), but then after a while he usually settles down and "reads" books to himself. The other day when he wasn't napping, he kept saying, "I'm up, Mommy!" over and over again. When I went upstairs to check on him, this is what I found - he was sound asleep in his book nook. When he woke up later and realized where he was, he laughed and laughed!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
All Bundled Up
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Enjoying a Good Book
Noah has been having fun doing some Montessori-inspired activities in Tot School lately. He has been working a lot on pouring water, and he's become quite skilled. I filled up a seltzer can with water, and he practiced pouring it into two cups. Then, I put colored water in a little pitcher that he also practiced pouring. Of course, now that he can do it, he insists on pouring everything by himself. Sometimes that's just not a good idea (like pouring a gallon of milk!), and he gets quite upset with me. I often try to find real-life situations where he can help, and that seems to make up for it!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Off The Charts!
I snapped this perfect picture of Isaac while he was smiling at Noah this morning!
We went in for Isaac's one month well-check this morning, and he is officially off the charts, just as we had suspected. He weighs 13 pounds, 7.5 ounces (greater than 97th percentile), and he is 24 inches long (greater than 97th percentile). He's quite a big boy at 5.5 weeks old, isn't he? That explains why my back is so sore at the end of the day, and why only a few of his 0-3 month outfits still fit him. He is starting to wear mostly 3-6 month clothes now. We are so thankful that he is perfectly healthy and growing so fast!
Isaac is full of smiles these days, and it is a delight to see his eyes light up as he smiles with his whole face. He's getting really strong, and he rolled over for the first time last night. We were doing tummy time while Matt and Noah were reading stories and getting ready for bed, when Isaac started crying, arched his back, lifted his head up really high and rolled right over. It was awesome :-)
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Whitewater Rafting Center
We all had a blast at the U.S. National Whitewater Rafting Center on Thanksgiving weekend. Mom Diamond, Matt, Noah, Isaac and I had fun watching while everyone went whitewater rafting. The boys all were very skilled at rock climbing, and they had a lot of fun on the two zip lines. It was a great way to spend a beautiful day. Here's the pictures.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Monday, December 7, 2009
Noah's Song About Pickles
The Lanigans gave Noah a guitar when they visited for Thanksgiving - what a perfect present! Noah had so much fun performing for our guests during the holiday. Here's his song about pickles (pronounced "ba-boos"). He's quite a performer, don't you think?
Writing M's and O's
Noah was having fun drawing on the dry-erase board when all of a sudden, he started writing M's and O's. How cool!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
The Face of Potty Training
Noah has been potty training for the last few weeks, and things are really starting to come together! We talk about the potty all the time around here, sometimes it's all we talk about! Noah has been doing a great job of peeing in the potty for about three weeks now. We started by setting timer to remind him to go, but now he just takes care of it on his own. Matt has motivated me to be brave, so now Noah even wears his big boy underpants when we go out of the house. He only wears diapers at night and during naps. Well, the last thing we're working on is pooping in the potty. We promised Noah that when he poops on the potty, he can eat ice cream with sprinkles. You can guess from this picture what he did yesterday! Yeah Noah!!
Monday, November 30, 2009
Friday, November 27, 2009
A Table For Twelve
We had a great Thanksgiving here, and we hope you did too! It was our first Thanksgiving at home in about eight years, and we were excited to host the gathering of 13 people (our table only needed to seat 12 because Isaac peacefully slept through the meal). We could have fit everyone in our dining room, but it would have been a tight fit. Instead, we moved our dining room table into the living room and attached it to our kitchen table. Viola! We had more than enough room! We ordered almost the entire meal from Fresh Market, and it was just as good as if we had cooked everything ourselves. In addition, we cooked a second turkey to have for leftovers, so the house smelled so good.
Our household has expanded by nine for the Thanksgiving weekend: Mom Diamond is visiting from Atlanta, Jim is visiting from San Francisco, and the Lanigan family is visiting from Long Island, NY. Our days have been busy and relaxing at the same time, and we are all having a blast together. Tomorrow, we're heading out to the Whitewater Rafting Center.
Here's some more Thanksgiving picture.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Tot School Gone Wrong
Noah and I had fun making a Thanksgiving craft where we traced our hands and made a wreath out of them. The wreath says "Thank you God for my family." It's hanging on our back door, and it looks great, but while we were making it I had a lot of cutting to do, and Noah got into all our craft supplies. It's Tot School gone wrong, but it was an easy clean-up, and we now have a great decoration!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
Mommy's Happy Day
I had a great birthday (or "happy day" as Noah calls it) today. I got to sleep in for an extra hour, and I woke up to the delicious smell of waffles, made by Noah. We spent the morning at Costco and even ate lunch there. For most people, that wouldn't be a great way to spend a birthday, but I loved it. We had a leisurely afternoon then went to spend the evening with our Life Group. It was great to spend the evening with friends, and our Italian themed social event was so much fun. It was the perfect happy day. Here's the pictures!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
A New Workout Routine
Our new double stroller has arrived! We just need to add the attachment to hold Isaac's car seat, and we'll be off to see the neighborhood. I have quickly learned that pushing a double stroller is a whole new kind of workout. I pushes great, but it's a lot more weight, and that's before Isaac's car seat is attached! I guess I won't need to renew my gym membership anytime too soon!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Monday, November 16, 2009
The Perfect Nap
Beautiful Day for a Walk
It was a beautiful day for a walk, and we enjoyed the fall colors on our walk to the neighborhood playground.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Painting With Baubie
We had a fun week with Baubie this last week. Noah is certainly thriving on all the attention he's been getting ever since Isaac was born! Everyone asks us how Noah is adjusting to being a big brother. Right now, it's the best thing that's ever happened to him! He has loved having Baubie here, and Grammy and Yaya the week before. Also, Matt is off work so he has had lots of Daddy-time too. Reality will hit when Matt is back at work and I am needing to take care of Isaac and give Noah the attention he needs. But for now, the party continues!
Noah and Baubie had fun sponge painting with finger paints. They each got quite creative! Here's a few more pictures.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Drummer Boy
Noah created a fun new way to pay with PlayDoh. He turns all the cans up side down and molds the PlayDoh over the bottom of the can. Once he's done, he has a great drum set! The lids are cymbals, and he can create some great rhythms with a pair of chop sticks. Noah absolutely loves drumming, and we think he has a great sense of rhythm. Of course, we have to clap and cheer after each song comes to an end.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Monday, November 9, 2009
Tummy Time
Settling In
We've been a family of four for more than a week now, and we're starting to feel like we're settling in. Matt has some time off work, and it's so nice to have some true family time together.
Isaac is a happy baby, and he is doing a great job of eating and sleeping. He has lots of cute facial expressions and frequently smiles. He is not bothered at all by his noisy big brother, and we have sound that he can sleep through anything. While he is napping, we can have the radio on, Noah can play his drums, and we can carry on a loud conversation - all while we're all in the same room. Isaac has had nine months in the womb to get used to all the noises, so he says it's no big deal. The funny part is that when Isaac cries in the middle of the night, he wakes up Noah, who is used to his peace and quiet while he sleeps. Speaking of middle of the night, Isaac is currently going four hours between feedings at night, so that means I can sleep in blocks of two blocks of three hours, plus an extra hour or two of naps. That's not too bad!
Here's some more pictures from around the house.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Family Pictures
We hated to say good-bye to Grammy and Yaya yesterday. They stayed with us for a week and a half and became essential parts of our life and survival during that time! Noah thrived on being the center of their attention while Matt and I went to countless doctor and acupuncture appointments last week, and during our time in the hospital with Isaac. Also, the time change occurred right when we came home from the hospital, so that meant that Noah was waking up bright-eyed at 6am. Grammy is an early riser and was happy to fix him breakfast and play while Matt and I tried to get some more sleep.
Who knew that getting a new baby brother could be so much fun for a two-and-a-half year old? We took some family pictures, which you can see here.
Monday, November 2, 2009
We're Happy to be Home
We brought Isaac home from the hospital yesterday afternoon, which was about twelve hours earlier than expected. Laura and Isaac were doing so well that the doctors released us whenever we were ready to go home. We couldn't wait to introduce Noah to his new little brother, so we chose to come home early.
So far, Noah has been very curious about Isaac and has been observing him from afar. He loves that Isaac's clothes have lots of snaps, and he likes comparing the sizes of their diapers. He likes to turn on music for Isaac to listen to, and he has been keeping track of where his little brother is and what he is doing.
Little Isaac had a very contented day today, his first full day home. He was quite happy to eat and sleep all day. He wasn't bothered at all by all the noise his big brother was making, although Noah's drums are currently out in the garage, so it was a relatively quiet day around the house. As the day is winding down, we're hoping he continues to be content throughout the night, as we dream about getting a few hours of sleep.
Here's some other pictures from the hospital and home.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Isaac Makes Seven!
Grammy and Granddad came to meet Isaac yesterday evening at the hospital. They were able to hold their seventh grandchild!
Overnight , Isaac was able to go and have a party in the hospital's nursery, where he was the only baby there. He received lots love and attention, even got another bath and had his hair styled. The nurses gave him a mohawk with a little gel - very cute! We were able to sleep off and on through out the night, catching up on much-needed rest.
Here are more pics from Grammy and Granddad's visit as well as our chic little baby.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Welcome Isaac David Diamond
We welcomed Isaac David Diamond into the world today at 4:17a.m. Isaac tipped the scales at 9lbs 13oz! Both Baby and Mommy are resting well now. Laura is about to enjoy breakfast and Isaac is taking a snooze after a busy morning being bathed, poked and prodded.
Isaac has a full head of hair - which is dark brown with a hint of red, his Daddy's feet and Mommy's ears. He looks remarkably like his big brother Noah!
We thank God for our precious little boy!
Here are a few pics - more on the way.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Plan C
And then there's plan C. It's Friday, and we're not in the hospital, so things have changed. At my OB appointment yesterday it was determined that I'm progressing along on my own, and my induction was moved to Monday (11/2). However, the doctor didn't think that I'll make it to Monday because I'll go into labor on my own before then. So, we're still waiting! I currently think that we're going t0 have a Halloween baby...we'll find out soon.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Waiting for Little Brother
We're going to meet our baby boy this week and we're all so excited! Grammy and Grandad arrive tomorrow to take care of Noah while we're in the hospital. We've nested like crazy all weekend, and everything is clean, organized, sorted, and dog-hair free for at least a few days. We're as ready as we can be!
We have two plans for the week: Plan A is that I'll go into labor with the help of acupuncture. It worked perfectly when Noah was born, so chances are that it should work this time too. I have an appointment on Tuesday afternoon, which means baby boy could be born as early as Wednesday morning. Plan B is that my OB will induce me on my due date, which is Friday.
Either way, we'll meet our baby boy this week. We can't wait to hold him in our arms and look at his little face and tell him we love him.
Friday, October 23, 2009
The Great Pumpkin Patch
We all had fun picking out our own pumpkins at the Boy Scout pumpkin patch. As usual, we also took a lot of pictures! We ended up picking out a Daddy, Mommy, Noah and Baby pumpkin, and they're doing a great job of decorating our front porch. Noah goes to look at them every day, and he likes to arrange them in order by size. Today, he took the baby pumpkin, gave it a hug and then held it up to my belly to show baby. It was a very sweet moment!
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