Thursday, September 30, 2010

Isaac is Eleven Months Old!

Hello eleven months! Glad to meet you!

I was looking through pictures from today and was surprised to see this one. I think it's the only picture we have where you can see all four of his teeth.

In the last month, Isaac has:
* Started waving bye-bye - his first wave good-bye was when Grammy and Yaya were leaving to go back home to Michigan.
* been having fun in his crib when he wakes up. He stands in the corner of the crib, throws out his pacis (he can throw them surprisingly far) and laughs.
* had fun listening to music. He just might be a natural drummer like his brother.
* begun crawling on his hands and knees - no more belly crawling! He is a very fast crawler now.
* started reading books with Noah before bedtime while sitting in Mommy's lap in the rocker
* started cruising along furniture with ease
* started saying "ah ah" for Noah. We weren't sure at first, but now we're sure that's what Isaac is saying!!
*started crawling up stairs - all the way from the bottom to the top without stopping
*started clapping!!
*started "singing" to music
*walking while holding our fingers
*walking while pushing the baby walker
*clicking his tongue to "talk" to us. We can have extensive conversations back and forth.
*found a love of popsicle sticks. You like to have one in both hands at all times. They're your little treasures.

One month from now we'll be celebrating with a birthday cake. Wow! We love you, Isaac!
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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Oh My

I say the same thing every time I see Isaac starting to walk around: "Oh my!" It catches me off guard and I have to do a double-take to see if it really is Isaac that's learning to walk or if I'm having some sort of flashback to Noah a few years ago. My first reaction is to scoop him up and hold him like a little baby. Really, I've tried it and it doesn't go over like I imagined. No almost-eleven-month-old wants to be held like a baby when they're trying to figure out how to walk. If he could, Isaac would say, "Oh mom! Put me down! I have important things to do." So, off he walks with the kitchen chair or the walker. He turns around to wave and squeal to say "look at me! I'm growing up!"
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Monday, September 27, 2010


I'm finally getting a chance to go back over the last two months of pictures and post them on the blog!  I'm going to be writing about them as if they just happened so that someday when we blurb our blog, it will be just like a photo journal with all the entries in order.  If you subscribe to this blog and the entries come to you as email, you can see the date of the entry at the bottom of the email.

I didn't want to confuse anyone as I post pictures and write about Isaac learning to crawl when in reality, he's too close to walking for our comfort.

Yeah!  Here's to more content and a few more minutes in the day to keeping up with the blog!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Finger Licking Good!

Mmmm....there's something wonderful about spaghetti! When Noah finished eating this meal, he was covered in spaghetti sauce from head to toe! I had to soak his clothes for two days to get the tomato sauce out, and we needed to give Noah a quick hose-off in the kitchen sink before he could go play!
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Monday, September 13, 2010

Pure Sweetness

I snapped this picture of Isaac as he was waking up from a nap when we were at the beach. He sleeps with a paci in his mouth and one in his hand. A few moments after he wakes up he usually throws both pacis on the floor, but I love that this photo captures him leaning on his hand and still looking just a little sleepy. It's pure sweetness.
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Friday, September 10, 2010

Mr. Preschool

Noah started preschool at The Children's Schoolhouse last week. We've been prepping him for school for a while now, talking about the fun things he'll do there and stopping by the school to play on the wonderful playground. When the first day of school arrived last week, Noah was ready but nervous. He did a great job on his first day (he didn't cry, but I did after I dropped him off!), but he was much more nervous on the second day. He wanted me to hold his hand on the entire drive to school, and he was really hesitant to get out of the car when we got to school. The second day was a turning point because he was so happy and confident when we picked him up that day. He looked forward to going to school on the third day, and that happened a lot earlier than we expected.

Noah has a very practical approach to school. Last week I saw that most of the students created paintings, but Noah must have chosen not to. When I asked him if he made a painting he said, "No. I told them that I have lots of paints at home." I said, "Do you want to do things at school that you can't do at home?" and he replied, "Yes!" Very practical.

The first week of school came and went, and Noah chose to not eat a snack. It wasn't an issue because I was loading him up with a big bowl of oatmeal before I sent him off, so he probably wasn't too hungry. When I asked him about it, I could tell that he was very hesitant about eating a snack at school and he said "I'll eat a snack when I get bigger." On the fourth day of school, Noah's teacher was excited to tell me that Noah chose to eat a snack! She said she had taken all the children into the snack area just like they do every day, and Noah only chose to have a cup of water like he had done in the past. Then, he lingered around and played close by and waited to every other child to finish their snack. Once the area was empty, he served himself and ate happily by himself. His teachers were so pleased and Noah was very proud of himself when I picked him up. Yesterday, he told me that he ate snack for a second time and he sat with a friend who was also wearing a guitar shirt. I think that's a lot of progress for the first two weeks of school!

Noah has been singing a lot of new songs that he's learned at school. Today he's singing "This old man, he played one, he played knick-knack on my drum..." I had completely forgotten about that song! He's having fun at school!
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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Mix Master Isaac

Isaac loves to use the drum machine. He knows which buttons to push to make it play pre-programmed music, and sometimes he pushes a combination of buttons to play a song we haven't heard before. Isaac bangs on the drums along with the music, and that's when the party starts! Isaac loves it when we dance to his music - he laughs at us, bounces up and down, and bangs on the drums even harder.

Noah has some pretty good dance moves these days!

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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

And we're back...

Matt has worked tirelessly to re-do my laptop over the last few days.  Thank you, honey!  I had filled up my laptop with so many pictures that it was about to explode.  Now, not only do I have a "new" laptop, we have a new server too, so I can now get all the pictures off my camera from the last few weeks.  A lot has happened since our vacation - Grammy and Yaya came to visit, Noah started preschool, Isaac discovered how to crawl on his hands and knees, and he has four new teeth!

I plan on posting lots of new pictures in the next week - thanks for stopping by!