Isaac is fascinated with skyscrapers, and he has just discovered Bob the Builder. It's the perfect combination and Bob the Builder feeds into Isaac's vast imagination for how things work. Isaac loves to re-create what he sees in the world around him. One day, after watching Bob the Builder and seeing how workers use safety harnesses to stay safe while they work in skyscrapers, Isaac was busy rummaging around the house looking for supplies for a new project.
A little while later, he said, "Look at me! I'm working on a tall building!"
He's using his drill to work high up on the stairs, but it's his safety harness that's the important part...
He made it all by himself out of string, a clothes pin and a loose tea infuser spoon. He pulled the string through the spoon handle, looped it around the banister spindles and clipped the string with the clothes pin. Then he clipped the tea infuser spoon to the back of his shirt all by himself also!
I love to watch him rummage around the house and see what he's going to make!