Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Isaac is Five Months Old!

Wow! Our little boy is not so little anymore! Isaac has done so many new things in the last month, like sitting in the Bumbo chair and playing in the Exersaucer, but the real fun has come from seeing his personality continue to develop. If you try and entertain him, he thinks that almost anything is funny, especially if it involves making crazy noises and motion. He is completely in love with his big brother and watches him intently whenever they're together. He also pulls on Noah's shirts and loves to get a good grip on his ear or hair and pull really hard. Noah takes it in stride and says, "Ouch, baby!"

Isaac started eating baby food this month, and his menu of food options currently includes rice cereal with bananas, avocadoes or sweet potoatoes mixed in. Food was the overarching theme of the last month, as Isaac grew bigger and became hungrier and hungrier. He wanted to eat every three hours at night, which was the same schedule he was on as a newborn! That made Mommy very tired, and Isaac wasn't getting too much sleep either since he was eating all night (although he was still in great moods during the day). Now, since he has started eating baby food and we've done some sleep training with him, he's sleeping for six to seven hours between feedings at night, and Mommy has a spring in her step again!
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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Handsome Guys

We were surprised to see that Grandad, Matt and Noah wore matching shirts to church. They're a pretty handsome group, don't you think?



Noah loves to cut grapes and cherry tomatoes with a table knife. He will take orders and ask how many grapes or tomatoes you'd like, then he will slice them for your plate. If you watch carefully, you'll see that he is constantly snacking as he works. He gets true enjoyment out of working in the kitchen!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Yaya and Isaac


Grammy and Isaac


Friday, March 26, 2010

I wonder...

I wonder what Isaac is thinking in this picture... If there was a thought bubble above his head, what would it say?

Our New Family Photo

We have quickly learned that getting a picture with the four of us smiling and looking at the camera is next to impossible. Oh well! This picture does the job of capturing the moment, and at least we're all out of our pajamas and standing together!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

A Fun Week

Grammy and Grandad spent the week with us last week as Matt traveled to Burlington, Vermont on a business trip. I was so thankful that they were here to help and play! They were so excited to see Isaac again because the last time they saw him he had just been born and he wasn't really opening his eyes yet. They had a lot of fun getting to know his personality throughout the week. Grammy and Noah spent hours playing outside in the backyard in the nice spring weather, and Grandad was a great help around the house with his handyman work. We have a lot of pictures from the week, and I will be posting and writing about some of them in the next few days.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Growing and Growing!

Isaac had his four month well-check today, and he weighed in at exactly 18 pounds (95th percentile)! He is also 27 inches long (97th percentile). He's our big, healthy and happy boy. He has been on a permanent growth spurt these last few weeks, and he's been eating and eating all day and all night.

The pediatrician agreed that it's time to start eating some food, so Isaac had rice cereal for the first time today. He had fun with the spoon in the beginning, and most of the rice cereal ended up on his chin and bib because his tongue kept thrusting it out of his mouth. After a few minutes, he realized that it was food, and that made him realize he was hungry, which made him very frustrated. So, we stopped the feeding and we'll try again tomorrow. I'm so happy that Isaac is starting to eat, it gives me hope that we can find a way to satisfy his appetite!


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Learning to Share


Lauren came over to play a few weeks ago, and Noah was completely willing to share all his toys with her. That was until Lauren discovered his electronic drum set. I'm so glad I had the camera in my hand to capture Noah's initial reaction to Lauren playing with the drums! Once he realized he really did need to share, he was a great host and showed her how to play a few songs.

Wanna Play?

Isaac has entered the age of playing! He loves doing tummy time on the floor with his toys. He can wiggle himself up to his musical toy and push the button to turn the music off, but then he fusses until I turn it back on again. He can also get a good grip on his ball and give it a good fling. Playing with a four-month-old is so much fun!

Monday, March 8, 2010


We have a big boy on our hands here! Isaac was so excited to be able to sit up in the Bumbo chair. It only lasted a minute or so, but his face lit up with happiness. He has been loving it when we sit him up on the floor or sofa and hold him so he can get a good view of what's going on around him.

One Day of Silence

Noah had a virus last week and ran a high fever for a 24 hours. He had a little burst of energy and set up his drums, but once he sat down to play, he completely ran out of gas. It was probably the only day in years that there were no drums to be heard in this house!

Monday, March 1, 2010


Isaac loves it when Daddy holds him up in the air and blows in his hair. He must feel like he's flying! Here's a few more pictures.

Silly Boys