Saturday, October 31, 2015

Eight and a Half!

We had so much fun celebrating Noah's half birthday today! 

It's so fun the way that Noah and Isaac's birthdays and half birthdays happen on nearly the same day!

Noah is a fanatic Nascar fan, and he will hopefully gain lots of new Nascar knowledge from his new books.

Noah is playing flag football this season, and he had a great game this afternoon.  He is a great center, and he did an excellent job starting plays that lead to touchdowns.  

And best of all, he got to stay up late with us and watch Michigan win vs. Minnesota in a nail-biter ending.  Go Blue!

We love you, Noah!

You are an incredible gift from God!

Five Plus One

Happy Birthday to Isaac!  

Isaac has loved being five.  He has said for quite a while that even when he has his birthday and turns six, he still wants to be five years old.  He just isn't finished being five.  He wanted to have a party and cake and presents, but didn't want to turn six.  Matt thought of the solution of saying that he is turning "five plus one."  Isaac thought that was a great idea, so today, we celebrated Isaac turning "five plus one."
The VERY happy birthday boy!

It was the year of race tracks!  Isaac got two different hot wheels tracks and one slot car race track.

The boys' bedroom has turned in to race track central!

Isaac is so excited for his new toys, but the best present of the day was from Noah.  Noah gave Isaac a mouthguard, which was the only present that Isaac requested for his birthday.  Isaac is loving having his own mouthguard.  He's been asking for one for weeks.  Sometimes it's the simple things that are the best, and when it's from your brother, it's even better :-)

We celebrated with a birthday lunch at Moe's with our friends

Then Rita's Italian Ice

Then home for pizza dinner and chocolate cake.  Matt decorated Isaac's cake with a custom "five plus one" design!

Then it was time to trick-or-treat!  Noah was Jim Harbaugh, coach of the University of Michigan football team

Isaac was Martin from WildKratts

They went trick-or-treating with their good friend Ryan, dressed as Shaggy

Happy five plus one birthday to you, Isaac!
You are a spectacular blessing in our lives!