What an amazing evening and morning! Last evening our friends Joy, Austin, Kim and Steve visited. They met Noah and spent time getting to know him. It was neat to see Noah's new friend Austin side by side, as he is eight weeks older than Noah. See the pic's here.
We ate dinner here at the hospital -- room service (very romantic). Later Laura fed Noah and we had fun changing our first really, really messy poopy diaper (yes, Matt helped).
Later that evening, Noah was weighed. They had to strip him down to his freshly minted birthday suite which he really didn't appreciate. He has lost four ounces so, he is now 7 pounds and 8 ounces. This is a normal change in infants, as they will loose weight in the first few days of life, only to gain it back in their mid forties.
After being weighed Noah was up and wanted to party. He was hungry, tired, not hungry and fussy all at the same time. Many emotions for a little guy. Laura and I were pretty tired (Laura more so than me for obvious reasons) as by 1am we had been up for over 30 hours, but Laura's mommy skills kicked into high gear and she rocked him until he was comfortable. Matt took over for awhile and then he was ready to sleep by 2:30. He slept his first night until almost 6am! After his early morning breakfast, we all took a 40 min nap and everyone ate breakfast together around 7am.
Laura was able to take a shower this morning ( Matt did too) and she felt much better. She says a shower never felt better.
Today Dr. Capp's visited Noah again, and said that he was in good health.
It's great to see everyone and share this joyous experience. More pics to follow this afternoon/evening.