We have a seven-year-old!
Noah has been looking forward to his birthday for so long, and he's had a lot of fun planning how he was going to spend his birthday.
Noah's last day of being six. Look at that handsome boy!
But, sometimes our plans don't work out exactly the way we have dreamed about them.
Noah's seventh birthday turned out to be a sick day. Poor guy!
Noah was a trooper, and he made the most of his day even though he was sick. Grammy and Yaya were visiting from Michigan and it was so fun to have them here to celebrate!
He managed to show off his new toothless grin - Yaya even helped Noah lose a tooth that had been bothering him a few days ago!
Noah loved his University of Michigan football cake, even though he wasn't interested in trying a bite.
The gift of Legos turned out to be perfect for today. Noah spent almost the whole day sitting on the floor assembling complex Lego kits and loving every minute of it!
Showing off some new Michigan basketball clothes
Legos and more Legos!
Even though it wasn't the day that any of us had planned, it was still a fun way to celebrate Noah! Sometimes it's nice to slow down, cancel plans and just relax at home. That's our new plan for the weekend, and it sounds pretty good to all of us.
Happy birthday to you, Noah!
You completely changed our lives seven years ago and we thank God that you have blessed us beyond anything we could ever imagine!
We love you!