We finally got some snow last week!
We had about an inch of fluffy snow and the boys enjoyed every minute of playing outside.
Our snowy backyard
Isaac decided it was his job to shovel the snow off the deck
Noah had a great time riding on the sled like a snowboard. It was a good workout for him!
Noah's snow angel
Isaac's snow angel
Our snowy house
School was still in session because it was a homestudy day. Noah did lots of great work
in between playing in the snow.
Noah spent most of the day sledding
Isaac spent most of the day moving the snow from place to place
Noah and his friend Ryan had some good sledding fun together
Isaac spent lots of time under the deck "chopping off" all the icicles that had formed there
And he had great fun hammering the ice that had formed in a bucket of toys
This might have been our one snow day for this winter, so we tried to enjoy every minute of it!