Welcome to Mommy Clips!
I cut Noah's hair until he was about 2 years old, then he started going to Sport Clips with Matt. At Sport Clips, they use clippers to cut the sides of Noah's hair and use scissors to cut the top. After analyzing his haircuts, I decided that I just needed to buy a pair of clippers, and I could do the same cut. Noah was willing to let me cut his hair again, as long as he could watch a movie and get a lollipop afterwards. Deal!
This is Mommy Clips. In the playroom, I put a nylon picnic blanket on the floor and Noah sits on a stool and wears a haircutting cape.
My next customer waits while Noah watches his movie
My second customer, Isaac, has never had anyone else cut his hair. He's been a loyal customer of Mommy Clips for years. I just use scissors to cut his hair, no clippers for him.
And the result for Noah? Short! Too short! I was using a long guard on the clipper and I ended up clipping more of his hair on top then I intended. To even everything out, I needed to use the clippers on his whole head. This is Noah's shortest hair cut ever. It has grown on me though, and it's a super easy summer cut. Noah took one glance in the mirror and thought it looked good.
And the result for Isaac? Perfect! That big smile is for the lollipop that he's holding in his hand!