Hello eleven months! Glad to meet you!
I was looking through pictures from today and was surprised to see this one. I think it's the only picture we have where you can see all four of his teeth.
In the last month, Isaac has:
* Started waving bye-bye - his first wave good-bye was when Grammy and Yaya were leaving to go back home to Michigan.
* been having fun in his crib when he wakes up. He stands in the corner of the crib, throws out his pacis (he can throw them surprisingly far) and laughs.
* had fun listening to music. He just might be a natural drummer like his brother.
* begun crawling on his hands and knees - no more belly crawling! He is a very fast crawler now.
* started reading books with Noah before bedtime while sitting in Mommy's lap in the rocker
* started cruising along furniture with ease
* started saying "ah ah" for Noah. We weren't sure at first, but now we're sure that's what Isaac is saying!!
*started crawling up stairs - all the way from the bottom to the top without stopping
*started clapping!!
*started "singing" to music
*walking while holding our fingers
*walking while pushing the baby walker
*clicking his tongue to "talk" to us. We can have extensive conversations back and forth.
*found a love of popsicle sticks. You like to have one in both hands at all times. They're your little treasures.
One month from now we'll be celebrating with a birthday cake. Wow! We love you, Isaac!