Friday, July 18, 2008


Ahh...nothing is better on a hot summer day than a cup of crushed ice! In fact, Noah loves ice so much that he says "ice" over and over again as it comes out of the dispenser. He is also starting to say "yes," which sounds a lot like "ice" when he says it.

Noah is officially taking one afternoon nap, and it is a wonderful change to our daily schedule. We go out every morning on some kind of adventure - meeting up with friends, going to the park, running errands, going to storytime at the library... Then, we usually come home for lunch and Noah goes down for a nap around 1:30 or 2:00 and sleeps until 4:00 or 4:30. We decided to sign up for swim classes at the YMCA, so Noah will have 6 sessions of classes, starting next week. It should be fun!

Here's a bunch of pictures from when Noah was eating his crushed ice in the backyard.
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