The most exciting thing happened when we were on vacation in August: Noah learned to swim without his floatie! He took swimming lessons all summer, and he was feeling more confident about his abilities. During one of his last lessons, he watched as his friend Austin tried swimming without his floatie. Austin had so much fun that Noah wanted to try it too! He was able to swim a short distance back and forth between myself and Ms. Sandie, his swimming teacher. He was excited about his new discovery, but hesitant to try to swim too much without his floatie.
The pool in Hilton Head was the perfect place for him to practice swimming, and vacation was the perfect time. The pool had a shallow U-shaped stair area where Noah could swim back and forth and back and forth and back and get the idea...between the stairs and railings. It was just what he needed in order to get the feeling of floating and swimming. By the end of the week, he could do a simple breaststroke.
He was so proud of himself and he knew he had accomplished something really big!