We had a fun weekend with Baubie in Atlanta! Noah had a great time playing with Baubie's Tupperware collection and he was so surprised to find a new toy microwave inside "his" kitchen cabinet. He liked putting pretend food inside the microwave, pushing the buttons, and opening and closing the door. Baubie found the perfect gift for Noah.
Noah also sampled the culinary delights of Atlanta as we dined at the Neiman Marcus cafe, the Hudson Bar & Grill, and Cafe deParis. Quite sophisticated for a 16-month old, don't you think?
We've had a great week since we've been home, too. Noah went to his first waterbabies swim class at the YMCA. He likes putting his face in the water, but will only do it with his mouth wide open! His favorite part of the class was when he practiced standing on the side of the pool and jumping in toward me. We also went to toddler storytime at the library, where Noah really liked the songs and dancing. For some reason, a few of the other toddlers tried to feed Noah goldfish crackers. He must have looked hungry to them! Here's a few more pictures.