We have recently returned from Noah's first trip to Michigan. We all had a great time, and it was a time of many "firsts" for Noah. Laura and Noah stayed with Grammy and Grandad Christiansen for 10 nights while Matt traveled back and forth between Michigan and North Carolina to work during the week but spend the consecutive weekends in Michigan. On the first weekend, we all attended an unveiling ceremony for Matt's grandma - Noah's great-grandma. It's a memorial service held approximately one year after a family memeber has passed away. It was a very special service, and it was so nice for many of Matt's family and friends to meet Noah for the first time. On the second weekend, we went to a University of Michigan football game.
Speaking of "firsts," here's a list of Noah's firsts while on the trip:
*First plane ride - he wanted to socialize with the flight attendants on the way to Michigan, but he slept almost the entire flight home to North Carolina.
* First time with all his grandparents together - Noah had two days with Grandma Marilyn, Grammy and Grandad all loving him at the same time!
* First time away from Daddy :-(
* First tooth!! Noah's first tooth came in when he was 5 months and 2 days old. (His second tooth just came through yesterday at 5 months, 9 days)
* First teething pain
* First rice cereal - started on the same day the first tooth came in. Noah loves rice cereal and eats from a spoon like he's been doing it his whole life
* First time sleeping in a different crib - Noah slept in the crib that Uncle Mark, Uncle David and Laura all slept in as babies
* First time to Zingerman's Deli - a very important moment in the life of a child in Ann Arbor, MI
* First time to the Big House - University of Michigan football stadium - UM vs. EMU - Laura and Matt's alma maters. It was too hot for Noah to stay in the stadium, so we went in as the game was ending for some quick pictures.
* First time sitting up - over the course of the week, Noah learned to sit up for about 10 seconds
As you can see, a lot has been going on! We took a lot of pictures during our trip, and here's just a few of them. Noah loved getting spoiled by his grandparents!